Technology & Society

Commentary on the re-shaping of society and the media by digital technology.

The Awl

The Origin of Tech Species’ (with Elmo Keep) - January 7, 2016

On the genealogy of ideas and obsessions that lie behind tech industry thought.

Star Lords’ - December 15, 2015

Framing Star Wars and its ideological influence as a product of Silicon Valley.

The Pixar Theory of Labor’ - July 15, 2015

Reading tech industry values in the Pixar canon.

The Monthly

Building a Business on Hot Air’ - April 13, 2015

Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore? There’s an app for that

Real Crimes in an Unreal Realm’ - March 9, 2015

Dallas Buyers Club, iiNet and the moves to unmask Australian web pirates.

All that Glitters’ - February 11, 2015

What are internet entrepreneurs really selling?

Ideas at the House

The Ark and the Flood’ - August 18, 2014

Can viral content and serious journalism co-exist, or is the competition for eyeballs drowning them both?

The Lifted Brow

‘Friendship is Magic’ - Issue 24, September 2014, p35-36

On Bronies, and online fantasies becoming real

‘Connecting the Dots’ - Issue 23, June 2014, p28-29

On Facebook, and its mission of ‘connecting the world’.

‘A Mechanism Dedicated Only to the Maintenance of Itself’ - Issue 22, February 2014, p32-33

On Twitter, and its construction of ‘news’.


Pop Culture

